Associated Auto Parts Centre Pte Ltd

Terms and Conditions

1)            订购项目及数量,有待库存及供应商最后决定。

Orders are subject to the stock availability and final acceptance from the principal.

2)            订货数量必须依照厂家标准包装数量。

Order quantity must be placed according to the maker’s standard pack quantity.

3)            一旦卖方确认订单,买方就不能取消任何项目,除非货源方允许。

Orders confirmed by the Seller are deemed as final and cannot be cancelled in full or in part, unless approved by the principal.

4)            最终的交货期取决于厂家的库存及交货顺序。

The eventual lead time of the order is determined by the stock position and delivery schedule of the maker.

5)            买方必须接受所有抵达的尾货。

All back orders must be accepted by the buyer upon arrival.

6)            现货数量有限,先订先购。

Ex-stock quantity is subject to availability.

7)            如有编码被货源方改换成新的编码或多个编码,买方得接受新的编码及其新价。

Should any of the existing part numbers be replaced by the principal with new or multiple supercession or part numbers, the Buyer will accept the supply of new part numbers or the multiple supercession and the corresponding new prices.

8)            如厂家怀疑项目是为转口其他国家,这项目将被延误、取消或供应数量将被减少。


Items suspected by the maker for re-export will be delayed, cancelled or supplied with reduced quantity. The Seller is not liable for the resultant losses, as the maker’s final decision is beyond the Seller’s control.

9)            货源会分批到货,买方允许卖方有货就发,不必等到货到齐才发。

Partial supply and/or shipment is allowed.

10)          在FOB的情况下,货代公司由卖方决定,不然EX-WAREHOUSE 。

Under FOB terms, forwarder will be based on the Seller’s choice, otherwise EX-WAREHOUSE.

11)          如买家要求用指定的货代发货,FOB费用得与卖家货代的费用相同,要不将以EX-WAREHOUSE发货。

The parts supplied by the Seller are 100% genuine. The Seller is not liable for quality claims of parts.

the Seller’s forwarder, otherwise shipment term will be EX-WAREHOUSE.

12)          每批发货最低金额为美金2万,才能以 FOB 发货。

Each shipment must be at least USD20,000 and above for term FOB to apply.

13)          卖方只保证所供应的配件是100%纯正的原厂配件。


The parts supplied by the Seller are 100% genuine. The Seller is not liable for quality claims of parts.

14)          卖方所安排的保险范围不包含前挡风玻璃的索赔,买方需自行安排有关保险。

The Seller will not entertain claims of damaged windshield glasses and laminated glasses. The Buyer should arrange the relevant insurance as necessary.

15)          在任何情况下 对于任何原因造成的任何性质的一切灭失或损害,


In no event shall the Seller be liable for lost profits, delays, injury to goodwill or any special or consequential damages, or any losses resulting from the same, howsoever the losses may be caused. The Seller’s liability for any and all losses of damages of whatsoever nature resulting from any cause whatsoever shall in no event exceed the portion of the Total Invoiced Price attributable to the disputed items.

16)          买方在确认订单后,将立刻支付总货值的20%款项给卖方为定金。剩余货款将在货物启运前支付给卖方。


The Buyer agrees to pay a 20% deposit based on the total goods value of each order, and pay the balance amount to the Seller before shipment of the goods. All payment from the Buyer to the Seller shall be through T/T remittance to the bank account provided by the Seller.

17)          买方必须在卖方提供货物备妥通知的7天内将剩余货款全额电汇送抵卖方,并确保卖方已收到全额款项。



Full payment of the balance amount has to be received by the Seller within 7 days since the Seller provides the Notice of Goods Readiness to the Buyer. Notice of Goods Readiness indicates that the goods are ready for shipment to the Buyer (For example: Goods have arrived at the Singapore warehouse). If there is any delay in payment by the Buyer, the Buyer shall pay a penalty amounting to 1% per month of the remaining unpaid amount to the Seller, for each day of delay. The Seller may also assume that the Buyer has cancelled the order, and the Seller will have the right to forfeit any deposit prepaid by the Buyer, and re-sell all items to other interested parties.

18)          卖方收到买方的全额汇款后,就会安排运货。

Full payment to be received by the Seller before goods can be shipped to the Buyer.

19)          在未收到买方的全副款项前,卖方仍保留货物的拥有权。

Ownership of goods remains with the Seller, until full payment is received from the Buyer.

20)          不可抗力:如因不可抗力造成以上条款全部或部分不能履约,卖方概不负责,但卖方应将上述发生的情况及时通知买方。

Force Majeure: The Seller shall not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of these terms due to Force Majeure. But the Seller shall advise the Buyer when such occurrence arises.


“Force Majeure” shall mean all events which are beyond the control of the Parties to these terms, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable or insurmountable. Such events shall include earthquakes, typhoons, flood, fire, incidents at sea, war, strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or the application thereof or any other instances which cannot be foreseen, prevented or controlled, including instances which are accepted as Force Majeure in general international commercial practice.

21)          任何因该订单而发生或与该订单有关的争议,应提交新加坡国际仲裁中心,按该中心的仲裁规则进行仲裁。


All disputes arising out of the relevant orders or in connection with the relevant orders, shall be submitted to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre for arbitration in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration in Singapore. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

22)          以上条款适用新加坡法律。因以上条款发生并与以上条款履行或解释有关的争议应首先由各方进行友好协商。

These terms shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of Singapore. In the event a dispute arises in connection with the interpretation or implementation of these terms, the parties to the dispute shall first attempt to settle such dispute through friendly consultations.

23)          以上条款中、英两种文字具有同等法律效力,在文字解释上,若有异议,以英文解释为准。

These terms are made out in both Chinese and English of which either version is equally effective. Conflicts between these two languages arising thereof, if any, shall be subject to the English version.